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Microsoft Office - Simple, Functional, Efficient.

Microsoft Office has been the cornerstone for the rise in computer efficiency in the workplace for over a decade. The suite is expansive, with numerous packages containing various programs of differentiating functionality. Some of the myriad of programs include MS Access, MS Groove, MS Infopath, MS One Note, MS Outlook etc. these are typically more specialised sub-programs of the core MS Suite, which includes programs which are of regular use to a design student/practitioner. Ms Word, Powerpoint and Excel are the three core programs of the MS Office Suite, however MS Publisher is also extremely useful to a Student.
MS Word is a program which fundamentally allows for quick, simple word processing, however it is far more versatile and powerful than other typical word processing softwares, as it is highly stylised, allowing the user to create professional quality essays, articles etc. in virtually no time. It also allows for document protection, watermarking, image inclusion and manipulation, standardised header and footer elements etc. making it very powerful and fast to use. It is the most basic, and the most used of all the software packages modern students and professionals utilise.
MS Powerpoint is a powerful tool for visual and oral presentation, allowing users to easily format multiple presentation slides easily and apply content to said slides quickly. It should only ever be used to add visual aid to a verbal presentation, as too much information can bore the audience and ruins the aesthetic qualities of the presentation. Also, it is always good to show your understanding of the content by orally presenting it with the slides, as opposed to the slides containing all the information.
MS Excel is a highly efficient spreadsheet generator. Information may be directly put into cells, or alternatively some cells may have small equations input instead of direct information, whereby a relationship between numerous cells is described by the equation. For example, if dealing with values, a simple multiplication of 2 cells may be input to a third cell, hence should the value of one of the two initial cells be altered, the program will automatically multiply and apply the value to the third cell.
MS Publisher is typically utilised as a magazine/flyer/brochure creation program, however it is very useful from a student designers perspective, as it allows for simple, quick portfolio creation. There is literally thousands of templates which can be downloaded, and all that is required of you is to input your own information. It is particularly useful if you need multiple boards/pages for a presentation/portfolio, as the can be standardised and printed together, giving your work genuine consistency and natural flow.
An ideal alternative for the MS Office Student Suite is Google Docs, which gives all the functionality of the core programs, such as word, Powerpoint, Excel etc. but completely for free. All you need is a Google account, such as a Gmail email address. It also is completely browser based, and allows for users to access their documents from any pc connected to the internet. It also allows for easy collaboration should multiple people need to work on a single document, as well as real-time collaborative input, whereby multiple users from anywhere in the world can actively edit a single document together and give each other feedback on the work while it is being created.
MS Word is a program which fundamentally allows for quick, simple word processing, however it is far more versatile and powerful than other typical word processing softwares, as it is highly stylised, allowing the user to create professional quality essays, articles etc. in virtually no time. It also allows for document protection, watermarking, image inclusion and manipulation, standardised header and footer elements etc. making it very powerful and fast to use. It is the most basic, and the most used of all the software packages modern students and professionals utilise.
MS Powerpoint is a powerful tool for visual and oral presentation, allowing users to easily format multiple presentation slides easily and apply content to said slides quickly. It should only ever be used to add visual aid to a verbal presentation, as too much information can bore the audience and ruins the aesthetic qualities of the presentation. Also, it is always good to show your understanding of the content by orally presenting it with the slides, as opposed to the slides containing all the information.
MS Excel is a highly efficient spreadsheet generator. Information may be directly put into cells, or alternatively some cells may have small equations input instead of direct information, whereby a relationship between numerous cells is described by the equation. For example, if dealing with values, a simple multiplication of 2 cells may be input to a third cell, hence should the value of one of the two initial cells be altered, the program will automatically multiply and apply the value to the third cell.
MS Publisher is typically utilised as a magazine/flyer/brochure creation program, however it is very useful from a student designers perspective, as it allows for simple, quick portfolio creation. There is literally thousands of templates which can be downloaded, and all that is required of you is to input your own information. It is particularly useful if you need multiple boards/pages for a presentation/portfolio, as the can be standardised and printed together, giving your work genuine consistency and natural flow.
An ideal alternative for the MS Office Student Suite is Google Docs, which gives all the functionality of the core programs, such as word, Powerpoint, Excel etc. but completely for free. All you need is a Google account, such as a Gmail email address. It also is completely browser based, and allows for users to access their documents from any pc connected to the internet. It also allows for easy collaboration should multiple people need to work on a single document, as well as real-time collaborative input, whereby multiple users from anywhere in the world can actively edit a single document together and give each other feedback on the work while it is being created.
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