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- Sketchup: Construction Sequence Animation Tutorial
- Sketchup : Lathe Technique - Follow Me Tool
- Sketchup - Cone Creation Tutorial
- Sketchup - Sphere Creation Tutorial
- Sketchup - Volumetric Diagram using 3D Text
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Introduction to Software for Designers:

Examples of the arsenal of useful programs for
designers of all varieties.
Modern Architects, Architectural Technologists, Engineers, Graphic Designers, Product Designers etc. have a myriad of tools at their disposal to aid them in the creation, communication and construction of a design. The power of modern day processors allows designers to utilise very efficient and powerful software packages to improve the quality and efficiency of their work, as well as streamlining projects from their initial conception right through to practical completion, and beyond into the buildings life cycle etc. There is virtually very few phases of the design and production processes by which software hasn't been developed to aid the designers/engineers. Everything from conceptual sketching of designs/key elements, to 2D plan creation, 3D mass modelling, 4D construction phasing, digital lifetime analysis of a designs performance in multiple areas (ie. Sustainability, Economic Viability, Structural Integrity, Design Flexibility and adaption, Material Weathering an degradation, demolition etc.). Modern day computing allows designers and engineers alike to create and have access to all of these varieties of information before a design is even practically initiated, giving the designer much more control and insight into a proposed development then what they would typically have had 10-12 years ago.
The purpose of this section of the site is to serve as a introductory section to the variations of powerful software which are typically being utilised by design professionals in modern day practices. It aims to give a brief, concise overview of the various programme's primary functions, means by which a student or professional may go about acquiring the software (for free or cheaper than typical r.r.p.) and tutorials based on user requirements and feedback to aid you in your usage of such software packages, hence insuring that you are as up-to-date and knowledgeable of the current and future industry standards as possible.
The purpose of this section of the site is to serve as a introductory section to the variations of powerful software which are typically being utilised by design professionals in modern day practices. It aims to give a brief, concise overview of the various programme's primary functions, means by which a student or professional may go about acquiring the software (for free or cheaper than typical r.r.p.) and tutorials based on user requirements and feedback to aid you in your usage of such software packages, hence insuring that you are as up-to-date and knowledgeable of the current and future industry standards as possible.