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Part 8: The Gradient Tool
Full Demonstration Video Below
1) The Gradient Tool is used to add softness and depth to ones illustrations.
2) To use the Gradient tool, it is necessary to have an closed shape/object (rectangle, circle, eipse, pen tool, pencil tool illustrations etc.). To start, draw a rectangle, as shown.
3) You may need to open the Gradient Tool Pallet, which can be aceeseed through "Window, Gradient" , or press Ctrl+F9. Note the default swatch goes from black to white.
4) Next, select the gradient tool. By default you will be in a linear gradient. Click and drag in the direction of the gradient which you want, as shown.
5) The sliders on the gradient pallet depict how the gradient will be shown on your canvas. These slides may be manually dragged, or values may be typed in for each slider.
6) To change the colours of the gradients, you may drag colours from the swatches onto the sliders. the "+" symbol will tell you that the new colour will replace the existing slider colour.
7)The Gradient can change from linear to radial easily by selecting radial from the panel, as shown. Radial gradient should be drawn from the center out.
8) A gradient can be used as a "Fill colour", and will automatically be produced as you draw an object, as shown above with the pen tool.